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Permanent make up preparation and aftercare 

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Student Writing
  • A patch test is needed 48 hours prior to the treatment! It is free of charge.

  • For LIPS - Exfoliate your lips a day before your treatment and apply lip balm to moisturize them. If you suffer or are prone to cold sore breakouts, fever blisters, herpes simplex at present or anytime in the past you will need to use an anti-viral breakout medication as advised by your doctor 3 days before and after lip treatment.

  • Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, Vitamin E (this thins the blood) or excessive alcohol at least 48 hours prior to and after your enhancement ( this will minimize any oozing or swelling).

  • Discontinue Retin A, Retinols (skincare products) close to the enhancement area 2 weeks prior and 4 weeks after. It can cause pigments to fade prematurely. 

  • Discontinue use of AHA skincare products close to the enhancement area 2 weeks prior to your procedure.​

  • No laser or electrolysis, facials 2 weeks prior to the procedure. 

  • No Botox or fillers in the procedure area 4 weeks prior and after.

  • Do not tan 2 weeks prior or have a sunburned face.

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure and 10 days after. Sweat is salt and can prematurely fade the treated area.

  • Do not wax or tint your brows 2 weeks before and after the procedure.

**Please note** No children or pets at your session. If your appointment gets cancelled because you have come with kids or pets you will be charged a late cancellation charge of £50. No exceptions.

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The Time
  • Around 2 - 2.5 hours. After filling out paperwork, then we consult, draw your perfect shape and take photos before and after. The anaesthetic will be used on the treated area during the procedure if required. 

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Lips makeup
  • It is actually not painful procedure, may be uncomfortable sometimes. Some of my clients find it even relaxing :) if needed I use an anesthetic. Everyone has a different pressure pain threshold.

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Permanent Eyebrows Makeup in Progress
  • Yes, re-touch is recommended between 6 to 12 weeks after the initial procedure. Everyone's skin is different so it greatly depends on that and your healing process and the following aftercare. No guarantee can be made that a specific client will benefit the same as another from this procedure. Generally, the results are excellent but it very much depends on your skin texture, oiliness, lifestyle, medication, medical conditions, etc. You may need a touch-up appointment to correct if any of these factors were present at your appointment. The pigment is semi-permanent and will fade over time. However please note again that everyone's skin is different and will experience different results with this semi-permanent procedure when it comes to retention. Additional Touch-Ups may be necessary. ​

  • **Please note** Clients are completely responsible for scheduling their touch-up sessions in advance and reading all about the procedure, skin types, and healing possibilities prior to their sessions.

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Tattoo Equipment
  • We will choose the colour that is perfect for you by considering your skin undertones, the skin colour, your natural hair colouring of the existing eyebrow hairs. I always ask my clients of their realistic expectations.

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Eyebrow Treatment

        !!!Please read this thoroughly!!!

  • You need to be careful for 2 weeks, however, you are fine to do social activities or going to work.

  • Please allow a week if you have an event or special occasion coming up! And please make sure you have scheduled a touch-up session ahead of time just in case you do not heal well and need it. Everyone's skin is different. Colour intensity will be darker immediately after the procedure, while some women are good with this, some women have a harder time!! The darkness will subside and become softer as the skin heals. I say about 2-3 days your brows will be darker and will feel slightly larger, followed by some possible flaking and scabbing. Generally, the results are excellent but it very much depends on your skin (texture, oiliness, sun-damaged). Your new eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle. The pigment might appear sharper and darker immediately after the procedure. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin, and has not yet settled in completely. The colour of the pigment will soften gradually. Do not be alarmed if you see some pigment on the cotton swab, as this is excess pigment and/or body fluid that is naturally exiting your skin. Once the healing of the skin starts taking place, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression that the colour pigment is fading too quickly, however, this is just superficial colour and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows. 

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What to Expect:


  • Day: 1-2​   What you see is about 30 - 40% darker, bolder and more solid that what your healed result will present. Under the pigment, the skin is red and pigment has been deposited into the layer of skin containing dead skin cells; combined giving the appearance of darker colour. There may be minimal swelling but because typically the eyebrow area does not retain much fluid, swelling will be minimal. The top layers of skin will begin to shed on about day 3-5, and you will see a loss of colour. This is normal, and the pigment that was deposited superficially will come off with the skin it is embedded within. DO NOT PEEL IT! Let it peel on its own. If you pull the skin off, you will remove pigment as it has not detached itself completely at this point.

  • Day: 3-7​   Eyebrows may begin to itch and the pigment may appear raised. DO NOT SCRATCH THEM!!!

  • Day: 7-14  The skin is now in rapid exfoliation and if left alone, will shed evenly.  Disappearing phase- the colour under the exfoliating skin will continue to appear light until the epidermis takes on its more transparent characteristics when the white blood cells are done repairing the procedure area.

  • Day: 30-40   Now is the time to judge your brows as you have had a full cycle of cellular regeneration in which the semi-permanent makeup has now become part of the dermis, seen under the epidermis.

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Image by Egor Vikhrev

 **Aftercare instructions will be discussed at your appointment and provided to you**

It is essential that you follow these instructions after your procedure, the more careful you are with your permanent makeup in the healing process, the better the final result! 


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IMPORTANT "DO NOTS" for 2 weeks:

Image by Clayton Robbins

• Soaps, facial cleansers, water on pigmented areas. If the area does get wet, pat dry very gently with a clean towel or tissue.
• Washing pigmented area.
• Retin-A on pigmented areas.
• Any Makeup on the pigmented area.
• Hot, steamy, long showers.
• Sun/sunbeds on pigmented areas.
• Jacuzzi or saunas, chlorine pools.
• Make sure you wash your hair with your head tilted backwards to stop water from running down your face. Do not try to hide your eyebrows with your fringe in the first 2 days, this is the easiest way to cause infection - keep your fringe away from your eyebrows.
• Shower with your back to the water to avoid water, shampoo and conditioner from getting into the pigmented areas. 

If your skin is oily make sure you keep your brows clean and dry, you can pat them more if need it. 

While healing, sleep on your back as much as possible and be aware that, at least in the first day or two, it would be helpful to keep your brows as immobile as possible. ​

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Permanent Lip Makeup

DO NOT for 2 weeks:

  • No gym, heavy exercises, sweating;

  • No scrub or pick the treated area - let flaking occur naturally;

  • No direct sun or tanning beds;

  • No any acidic or exfoliating products – this may lighten or remove the colour;

  • No any make-up, tooth whitening toothpaste on the treated area;

  • No salty, sour, spicy food and drinks;

  • Avoid touching the pigmented area - keep your hands clean;

  • Avoid facials, swimming, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, steamy showers/ baths;

  • No kissing (including pets) for at least 5 days.

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